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The most asked questions regarding our services

and the resident purchase process.


Who is Florida Community Services Group?


Florida Community Services Group offers consulting services to manufactured homeowners interested in purchasing their communities.  We provide residents more than 30 years of experience in the purchase and management of mobile home communities.  We have a dedication to and an understanding of the unique needs of the individual homeowner as well as the overall community. Since 2000, we have converted 40 communities to resident ownership.


What is a resident owned community (ROC)?


A resident owned community is a manufactured home park owned by the residents of the park and operated by the Board of Directors of the corporation usually with the assistance of licensed professional management. 


How many resident owned communities in the state?


Resident ownership is a growing trend in Florida. There are more than 650 resident owned manufactured home communities in the state and that number grows each year.


What is a cooperative and why are we becoming one to purchase the community?


A cooperative is a form of ownership of real property under Florida Statute 719, the Cooperative Law, where legal title is vested in a corporation and the beneficial use of that property is evidenced by an ownership interest in the corporation such as a share.  Your right of possession to your individual lot is granted to you in the form of a 99-year occupancy agreement.


Conversion to a cooperative is quicker and cheaper than the other forms of ownership.  Unlike a conversion to condominiums, cooperatives do not require a survey, platting and legal description of each individual lot, which increases the cost of the purchase and is also very time consuming.

Call  Toll Free:


Main Office:

PO Box 72

Terra Ceia, FL 34250


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